Getting Started With Your Business

The most outstanding products you will ever buy started as an idea in someone's mind. That person might have built it into something extraordinary. More likely, s/he sold the idea, as an idea, for a very low price to someone else or got other people to help with it first. What you see as the best and most significant things you could use in your mind today could quickly become the best and greatest things that are bought and sold in the not-too-distant market of the future.

Get busy making it happen - the world is counting on you!

Early Stage Ventures

Landmark supports start-up companies and businesses in transition, providing a platform to sell, attract capital, and serve clients. We are presently seeking buyers, investors, and advisors for the following Early Stage Venture Projects:

Start-Up Coaching 

What is a Founders' Coach? 

A Founders' Coach is a professional who provides guidance, support, and mentorship to entrepreneurs and start-up founders. They work closely with individuals who are starting or leading their own companies, helping them navigate the challenges and complexities of the start-up journey. 

The role of a Founders' Coach is to offer strategic advice, share their experience and expertise, and provide a structured framework for the founder's personal and professional growth. They act as a trusted advisor, sounding boards, and accountability partners for the founder, offering an outside perspective and helping them make informed decisions. 

Founders' Coaches typically assist with various aspects of entrepreneurship, including business strategy, goal setting, team building, leadership development, communication skills, fundraising, and problem-solving. They help founders identify and overcome obstacles, develop effective strategies, and enhance their leadership capabilities.

The specific areas of focus for a Founders' Coach may vary depending on the needs and stage of the start-up. For example, a coach might help a founder refine their business plan, validate their market, build a scalable team, or navigate a rapid growth or transition period. 

The ultimate goal of a Founders' Coach is to empower the entrepreneur with the necessary skills, mindset, and support to increase their chances of success, manage the start-up effectively and thrive in the challenging start-up ecosystem.

What results should I expect from working with a Founders' Coach? 

Working with a Founders' Coach can yield valuable results for entrepreneurs and start-up founders. While the specific outcomes may vary depending on your unique circumstances and goals, here are some common results you can expect from working with a Founders' Coach: 

Clarifying and establishing your vision and goals: A Founders' Coach can help you understand your long-term concept for your start-up and define clear, actionable goals. They can assist you in identifying your core values, purpose, and mission and aligning them with your business objectives.

Developing a strategic roadmap: A coach can help you create a strategic plan and roadmap to achieve your goals. They can guide you through setting milestones, prioritizing tasks, and making informed decisions that drive your start-up's growth and success. 

Enhancing leadership skills: As a founder, your leadership skills play a crucial role in your start-up's trajectory. A coach can help you identify areas for improvement, develop your leadership style, and enhance your communication, delegation, and decision-making abilities. They can also guide managing teams, building company culture, and fostering innovation. 

Building self-awareness and adaptability: Entrepreneurship can be a demanding and challenging journey. A Founders' Coach can support you in developing self-awareness, managing stress, and building an adaptable presence as the spokesperson for your company. They can help you navigate the ups and downs of start-up life, cope with setbacks, and maintain a positive mindset. 

Providing accountability and motivation: A coach can hold you accountable for taking action towards your goals. They provide regular check-ins, monitor your progress, and offer constructive feedback. Their support and encouragement can help you stay motivated and focused on achieving your desired outcomes. 

Expanding your network and resources: Founders' Coaches often have extensive networks and connections within the start-up ecosystem. They can provide introductions to potential investors, industry experts, and other valuable resources. Leveraging their network can open doors to partnerships, collaborations, and opportunities for growth.

Overcoming challenges and obstacles: As a founder, you will face various challenges along your entrepreneurial journey. A coach can help you identify obstacles, brainstorm solutions, and develop strategies. They can provide insights based on their experience and expertise, helping you navigate complex situations more effectively. 

Accelerating personal and professional growth: Working with a Founders' Coach can accelerate your personal and professional development. You can become a more effective and successful entrepreneur by gaining new perspectives, acquiring valuable knowledge, and refining your skills. This growth extends beyond your current venture and can positively impact your future endeavors. 

Achieving company sales and capital goals: A Founders' Coach can sometimes be helpful in additional ways by working side-by-side with you to increase revenue and manage the roadmap to attract new capital from third parties. This is specialized work, and only a few skilled coaches can assist you at this level. 

Developing and perfecting your company's brand and image: an effective Coach will help you tell your company's story in a way that puts your best foot forward and enables you to create synergy and interest around your efforts that don't already exist. 

It's important to note that the specific results will depend on your commitment, willingness to take action, and the quality of the coaching relationship. To maximize the benefits, be open, honest, and actively engage in the coaching process. 

What Does it Cost to Engage a Founders' Coach? 

The cost of engaging a Founders' Coach can vary widely depending on several factors, including the coach's experience, expertise, reputation, geographic location, the level of support required, and the duration of the engagement. Different coaches may have different pricing structures, such as hourly rates, monthly retainers, or project-based fees. 

Hourly rates for Founders' Coaches can range from $100 to $500 or more, depending on the coach's qualifications and the value they bring. Monthly retainers can vary from around $1,000 to over $10,000, depending on the coach's experience and the level of engagement required. 

Some Founders' Coaches may offer package deals or customized programs with a set number of coaching sessions or a specific scope of work. These packages can range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands depending on the coach's expertise and the services provided. 

It's important to note that engaging a Founders' Coach is an investment in your personal and professional development as an entrepreneur. While the cost may seem significant, by choosing to work with a Coach who genuinely understands your needs, the value derived from the coaching relationship and the potential for long-term success should far outweigh the financial commitment. 

When considering the cost of engaging a Founders' Coach, assessing the coach's qualifications, track record, and compatibility with your specific needs and goals is essential. It can be helpful to have initial conversations with potential coaches to understand their pricing structure, their services, and their coaching approach. 

Landmark Advisors has worked with dozens of founders and start-up companies, and our professionals are highly experienced and capable of coaching you through the maze of start-up challenges. Please reach out to us today to assist you with your needs. 

Angel Deals

If you're seeking investment, you've probably spent a great deal of time talking to people and hearing no; or, check back later, let me get back to you, or "I'm out." It's incredibly tough going. But imagine being on the other side of the process. Out of dozens of requests and proposals, you could see every day, very few match the criteria you're seeking. Sifting through all the requests that come your way can be quite cumbersome and time-consuming. But when it's the right person or company, you want to help.

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